What is the minimum day stay?

March 29, 2024.

The minimum reservation day is 5 days in pre- season and 7 days in main season. Of course, if you want to stay less than the defined period, you can, but the price is the same as if you had booked 5 or 7 days.

Can accommodation be arranged for more than 8 people?

March 29, 2024.

If you book on time, or if we have free dates, we can provide accommodation for 30 people in 4-5 holiday homes that accommodate 6-8 people. In this case, you will be at a distance of about 100 meters. All houses have swimming pools and the same number of rooms.

How to book accommodation?

March 29, 2024.

The most cost-effective way to book accommodation is to send an inquiry directly through our website, to our e-mail. In that case, you are freed of the additional costs carried by the rental portals.

How many days in advance can I cancel a reservation without cancellation charges?

March 29, 2024.

If you cancel 60 days before arrival, the cancellation fee is free and the advance payment will be refunded. In the event of unpredictable situations, such as wars, quarantines, border closures, deaths or the like, we will refund the advance in full.

6. Kolika je sezonska zarada, a koliko su troškovi?

March 22, 2024.
Zarada ovisi o više faktora – položaju i veličini nekretnine, posebnim sadržajima, o kapacitetu itd. Troškovi također ovise o različitim faktorima – veličini okućnice, broju soba,  veličini staklenih stijena, dodatnim sadržajima kao što su hidromasažni bazeni i sl. Nakon našeg posjeta i uvidom u stanje vaše nekretnine šaljemo vam ponudu s kompletnim održavanjem i potencijalnom zaradom koju možete ostvariti u jednoj sezoni te ćete tako imati uvid kolika vam je potencijalna neto zarada kada oduzemete sve troškove. Svim našim klijentima predlažemo da se 20% sezonske zarade uvijek uloži u osvježavanje nekretnine (novi namještaj, bojanje zidova , novi sadržaj) kako bi ona ostala godinama  aktualna i u skladu s trendovima.

What services do you provide?

March 22, 2024.
We take complete care of your property:
  • renovation according to your wishes and we offer consulting to increase booking
  • obtaining documents and permits for renting and registration in the e visitor
  • property maintenance – cleaning, landscaping, inspection of the property, airing your house, collecting mail
  • booking – property rental and guest care 24/7 – including check in and check out, cleaning bet

What conditions do I have to comply in order to rent a house?

March 22, 2024.

It is necessary:

  • Obtain a decision on the approval of provision of hospitality and catering services in the household (categorization)
  • Obtain a standardized plate of categorization
  • Registration in the Register of taxpayers (for new renters)
  • Enter in VAT system and get VAT number
  • Apply to the tourist association
  • Make an official price list, evacuation plan and house rules

How does renting a home work if I also want to use the property for myself?

March 22, 2024.

Simple – you tell us when you want to use your holiday home and it will be reserved for that period just for you. The house will be ready with clean linen, towels and other necessities as if you were a guest. It is important that you book the desired period as soon as possible, so that other guests do not book it before you, because in that case we have to respect the wishes of the guest.

Want to renovate my property. How can you help me?

March 22, 2024.

If you want to renovate a house, redecorate a garden or buy new furniture, our team and partners are here for you. You can leave the renovation entirely to us, or if you want to hire your own team of contractors, we can help you by supervising the works. We will make sure that everything is done with quality and, most importantly – within the agreed deadline and budget. Throughout the process, we send you progress reports along with photos, so you can change or add something if you wish.